The pages in this book made me think more than any of the documents we have read before have. It Made me think of every single scenario I was ever in with someone that was not straight.Ever since I was a little girl my family raised myself and my siblings as good American Catholic citizens. My religion is against any talk of this sort, which is not fair in my belief, because I have always been told God loves each of us. Just today actually, at the end of mass during the announcements arborist announced he will be taking a break and will be back in three months. And then he said "also please stop all of this gossip". And at that moment I knew why he was talking about. He was speaking about the accusations that he is gay. Which made me think about where else "coming-out" is an "issue".
I decided to do some research about other TV episodes for children have had a different family life than usually perceived. The only children television show recently shown was Good Luck Charlie. The show is made by Disney Channel, and they are getting many reviews; good and bad.
Honestly please check this link out its good. And make sure you read the comments underneath too see what other people's view points are.