Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Vagina.. Yes You Read That Correctly

Vagina. All about vagina. I'm actually happy that I chose this event to go to because it is something most people would not really think to go to. The event was on February 14; Valentines Day (AKA V-Day) which could be Vagina Day.
 The proud author of this monologue is Eve Ensler. She was born on March 25, 1953. She is an active feminist. This is her wikipedia page and her personal page.
Now Vagina's isn't something that people are screaming they want to talk about. Just like no one would wants to talk about gay and lesbians. "Safe Spaces" connects to this. One of the pieces of the script is "The Little Coochie Snorcher That Could" There is a girl that gives a detailed life story of her vagina. She talks about when she was 5, 7, 9, 10, 13, and 16. When she is 16 she goes to her neighbors house, a "gorgeous 24-year-old woman". They discuss kissing boys, and the girl says she does not enjoy kissing boys. They begin kissing and they have sex. The 24-year-old woman made a "safe space" for the 16 year old girl. Where she could actually talk about how she was feeling.  
This is a video of the The Little Coochie Snorcher That Could.
This is just one example of the deepest pieces of the monologue. Of course their are multiple funny parts throughout. Like the moaning scene. Where Brandy and I with the company of multiple other people were dying laughing at the types of moans that people had come up with.
Now you can watch this entire clipping or skipped ahead to 7:30 when the moaning begins. Now I have to warn you this is a little bit adult rated. But extremely funny. However now that I watch it a second time I realize that all of the authors we read in class would be horribly upset by the different moans that they let out. From the Jewish moan to the Irish Catholic moan.

If you EVER have the chance to see the Vagina Monologues live I highly suggest it. Even though it seems weird it is something we need to talk about. Women unity is not fair at all. As a women you are judged by multiple pieces of your body, making yourself nervous.
Currently I am reading the Vagina Monologues book. No, I was not looking for it. I simply was trying to find a book for another class and stumbled upon it so I highly suggest checking this out also.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Shor is Sure

Now, call me geeky but all I could think of as I was reading this document was this video.... Stick to The Status Quo.... Or not?


Shor explains how boring it is for students to "stick to the status quo". No one in the world likes boring, so why are we teaching our children and students that way? Being a student we know what boring lectures teach us... they teach us how to fall asleep in class and text/tweet all class without being caught. So how do we fix this?


Teach them something they actually care about. Make a math lesson interesting with circles by using car tires and paper plates.


By using real life examples, it helps show that these students need to know how to do these things in the future. Why need to know how to do area of a square? The real-life example is putting a rug in the room but not knowing how much you will need. Simple but interesting ways to teach. Problems like these connect to the Safe Spaces Document.

I personally believe I would have gotten more out of my education in the graded levels if I learned this way. But instead I learned how to smart talk myself out of situations and play candy crush without being caught. Now like usual I may have not “connected” this in the most perfect way, but I rather connect it to my life. I do NOT want to be that boring teacher with all worksheets. So I rather work harder to come up with more engaging lessons. That’s the type of learning that is actually needed.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Citizenship in School: Reconceptualizing Down Syndrome

So I had a blonde moment and forgot to hit publish after I finished.... Whoops :/
ANYWAYS; here is my post.

Just like every single reading it took me hours to think about and sit down to do it. However, I think I am starting to get the hang of it. Even though there is just one more post left.

My best friend (well ex-best friend) has a sister with Cerebral Palsy and her best friend has Down Syndrome. They both are the most loving people I have ever met. When we were younger I remember the point where we were doing the same work as her, even though she was three years older than us. Since I was having trouble learning the school actually would "hand us off" to another teacher to help us learn. I always felt less able, just because I did not have the speech that the other students had.

After this experience I worked hard on my speech with my family. Always pronouncing "R, S, T, Q" words. Now, no one would NEVER know that I did not speak in till I was 5, and even then I was not saying words "right". Connecting with Christine's story.

My friend's sister also connects to Christine's story with the motor skills part and with Becky. She gets a pay check every week for being a cashier in a small store in the government. Everyday she saves her money and on good weeks, she will even buy something special for herself. Her favorite possession is her IPhone and favorite movie series ever is High School Musical. Being just like Troy and Gabriella she has found true love.

So why is this still an issue? In Rhode Island we have the playground imPOSSIBLE dreams, made so children can play together in a handicapped playground.